Pillar 5
Pillar 5: Environmental Sustainability
Policy Shift
Promote environmental sustainability to ensure implementation of all the proposed development interventions in a sustainable manner. This policy is about preserving the natural ecosystems and biodiversity such as the existing water bodies, wetlands and forests; promoting proper use of plastics; reducing disaster risks; ensuring mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Intervention 17: Preserving Wetlands
Large tracts of inter-connected wetlands exist in the Busoga sub-region, providing habitats for fish and birds. The sub-region, just like other parts of the country, has witnessed a deterioration in the quality of the existing wetlands due to agricultural activity and reclamation. Environmental management is, therefore, critical to the sustainability of the benefits from nature to support the sub-region’s economic growth. In order to preserve and sustain the use of wetlands, the Busoga Consortium shall promote the growing of crops that are friendly to the wetland’s ecosystem. In addition, commercial fish farming, technically guided by the Kasolwe centre of excellence, shall be promoted across the sub-region’s existing wetlands to act as an incentive to reduce sugarcane and rice growing, which is becoming a twin threat to the wetland ecosystem. Beyond this, massive environmental awareness is essential to raise awareness about the benefits of wetlands to the current generation, while emphasising sustainable use to benefit future generations.
Intervention 18: Massive Reforestation through Tree Planting Campaign
Environmental degradation is a reality in Busoga, which is dependent on the production of primary commodities, particularly agriculture, forestry, fishing and tourism. The most visible degradation has happened in the quality of soil fertility and loss of forest cover. With a rapid population growth responsible for a high population density (397 people per square kilometre) in the sub-region, together with rapid urbanisation, the sub-region’s existing forest cover is under serious threat with Mvule once a common tree species, under threat of extinction.
In partnership with the OBB and Central Government agencies, the Busoga Consortium shall run a massive tree planting programme aimed at restoring the sub-region’s forest cover. To ensure local economic development, the Busoga Consortium shall champion for fast growing tree species as well as fruit trees to enhance local communities’ incomes.
Intervention 19: Preservation and Effective Use of Water Bodies
Busoga is endowed with excellent large water bodies such as the River Nile, Lake Kyoga and Lake Victoria that serve the sub-region for various purposes, including energy generation, fishing and transport, among others. The Busoga Consortium shall work with the relevant Government institution (i.e. National Environment Management Agency [ NEMA]) to ensure that these water bodies are protected and not contaminated. This will be done through compelling all factories, hotels, hospitals and other users to adopt cleaning policies that protect the water bodies and water banks.
Intervention 20: Proper Management of Plastic Waste Materials
Plastic waste disposal is on the increase and it is estimated that over 50 per cent of the plastic garbage in the urban areas within the sub-region is left uncollected and ends up in drainage channels, wetlands, natural water courses, manholes, undeveloped plots and on the roadside. In the rural areas, the situation is appalling, as there is extensive littering with plastic materials, which contributes to the deterioration of soil fertility within the sub-region.
It must be noted that plastic waste such as plastic bags, water and soda bottles and other forms of plastic endanger human life, animals and the environment, if it is not well controlled and disposed of in a proper manner. It is against this backdrop that the Busoga Consortium shall work in partnership with the relevant Ministries and NEMA to reinforce the current legal regime on pollution and waste management to provide measures to protect and preserve the environment from abuse, pollution and degradation. This will be done through the promotion of environmental awareness by initiating programmes aimed at stimulating a sound material cycle society that is based on the 3R approach of reducing, reusing and recycling. The awareness campaigns will be carried out through the existing institutions such as clans, schools, religious institutions, local councils etc.