Pillar 10



The OBB has historically been a broker of socioeconomic transformation, rallying the people of the sub-region to use their rich cultural heritage to improve their wellbeing. As a cultural institution, the OBB lies at the centre of shaping the mindset of its subjects regarding the intersection and centrality of culture to development. The OBB provides the ‘cultural framework and converges the authentic heritage of Busoga cultural identity to guide development actions’.42 This is critical because the OBB can harness and maximise the resourcefulness of Busoga culture in a dynamic manner to keep pace with scientific and technological progress and, at the same time, foster cultural values.

Intervention 25: The Return of Ebyaife

The Consortium shall support OBB’s campaign for the return of the institution’s properties currently under the Central Government. Intertwined into this campaign is the advocacy for the Central Government’s appreciation of the centrality of OBB to mobilising and steering local economic development using culture as a rallying factor. Some of the properties currently under Central Government management and usage include sub-county headquarters, markets, fishing and landing sites, and forests, among others. A survey to determine the range and current state of these properties will be undertaken to constitute baseline information for this pillar.