Busoga Set For Transformation As Bcd Commences Selection Of Vam Villages.

The Busoga Consortium for Development (BCD) working together with the Busoga Kingdom, the Government of China through China Agricultural University (CAU), the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, the UN-Food and Agricultural Organization South to South Cooperation Project Phase III, among other partners are poised to work together in piloting the Village Agricultural Model (VAM) Initiative in Busoga as a flagship intervention to address food and income security over the next 5 years.

The overall goal of the intervention is to address poverty and steer the sub-region to upper-middle-income status during the next 7 years. According to the World Bank Report 2023, Upper Middle Income Status is defined as Countries with a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita between $4,256 and $13,205. GNI simply means the average income earned by individuals in a Country.

This was revealed by the Director General BCD Mr Mula Anthony during a 3 (three) day tour of Kamuli, Mayuge and Namayingo districts as he flagged off the selection process of the 12 (twelve) pilot villages that are to be developed into epicentres of holistic transformation of the 12 (twelve) Local Governments of Busoga under the Village Agricultural Model Initiative (VAM).

Alongside the Director General was the Minister of Agriculture in Busoga Kingdom Owek. Sam Nkenga, the BCD Director for Community Mobilization and Mindset Change Mr. Kayemba Patrick and the lead VAM Consultants Mr. Businge Ronald and Mr. Kayemba Jonah who also is the district planner of Iganga and Regional Coordinator of Planners under BCD.

In his message to the people of Mayuge, Namayingo and Kamuli districts, Owek. Sam Nkenga noted that the high biting poverty experienced by the people of Busoga was a major concern to the Kyabazinga of Busoga Kingdom, His Royal Highness William Gabula Nadiope IV. He thanked the people of Busoga for loving their King and rallied them to embrace the VAM initiative as a vehicle for guided community transformation and eradication of poverty.

According to the VAM consultants, VAM embodies a holistic approach that transcends individual farms to encompass entire villages, fostering community engagement, collaboration and sustainable agricultural practices. Through VAM, BCD working together with partners intends to cultivate a Village into a focal point for transformative change, unpacking the 10-year Busoga Development Agenda (BDA), the Parish Development Model (PDM), and undertake agricultural value chain development to influence the desired transformation in the entire Local Government.

While interacting with the communities, Mr. Mula noted that each Local Government was expected to identify, profile and recommend two villages from which the BCD technical team would select one village for development into a catalytic epicentre of local community transformation across the entire Local Government.

Among the notable key selection criteria for the VAM villages include; land availability and suitability for agriculture, water availability and irrigation potential, infrastructure, community engagement and participation, market access and value chain integration, environmental consideration, inertia-local initiatives, and gender, among others.

While in Kamuli district, the delegation visited Naluwoli and Nakyaka villages both located in Butansi sub-county, and also visited Kadungu village in Namasagali Sub-County for the selection process. Equally, the delegation visited Namayingo district where they received a very warm welcome from the district leadership led by Mr. Sanya Ronald LCV Chairman and the nominee communities.

Two villages were toured in Namyingo district including Namayombe village of Buhemba sub-county and Kifuyo B village of Buyinja Sub-County. The delegation finally visited Mayuge district for a tour of Ngayama village and Wandegeya village both located in Kityerera Sub-County. The 3 (three) day selection process commenced on Tuesday 26th March and ended on Thursday 28th March 2024.

Based on the designed VAM selection guidelines, Naluwoli village of Butansi sub-county Kamuli district and Namayombe village of Buhembe sub-county Namayingo district were declared successful in piloting the VAM initiative in their respective districts.

However, the nominated villages by the Mayuge district local government failed to meet the VAM selection guidelines and the leadership was tasked to make fresh nominations.

The selection process for the remaining Local Governments of Busoga is expected to continue during the subsequent weeks.

Meanwhile, On Sunday 31st March 2024, a Chinese delegation led by Prof Tang Lixia Deputy Dean of the College of International Development and Global Agriculture at China Agricultural University arrived at Entebbe International Airport on a two-day official visit and They were received by the Vice Governor BCD Bishop Frank Tibagendaka and DG Mula Anthony.


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