Busoga To Pilot Village Agricultural Model (VAM) As BCD & China Agricultural University Sign 5 Year Cooperation Agreement

As the Government of Uganda continues to drive the socio-economic transformation of the Country through the Parish Development Model (PDM) program, the Busoga sub-region could be on the verge of becoming the 1st sub-region of Uganda to make the best of the PDM program through the deployment of the Village Agricultural Model (VAM) strategy to stir guided mass community transformation.

This was revealed during the ceremony for the establishment of cooperation between Busoga Consortium for Development (BCD) and China Agricultural University (CAU) held on Friday 24th November 2023 at the Office of the President Kampala at 10:00 am.

On Thursday 23rd November 2023, a Chinese delegation led by Prof. SUN Qixin President of CAU arrived in Uganda accompanied by a high-level team of experts in Agriculture and community transformation. The University is China’s leading Agricultural institution.

At a ceremony that was filled with glamour and expectation hosted by the 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and Chairperson of the BCD Ministerial Coordination Committee the Rt. Hon Rukia Isanga Nakadama, signatures were penned on a 5-year cooperation agreement that will see Busoga pilot the Village Agricultural Model (VAM) socioeconomic transformation strategy as a boost to the successful implementation of the Parish Development Model (PDM). Mr. Mula Anthony Director General BCD signed on behalf of BCD while Prof. Tang Lixia Deputy Dean College of International Development and Global Agriculture signed on behalf of CAU. The VAM is a Chinese strategy that is said to have been used by the Chinese Government to eliminate extreme poverty and guide the Country to becoming a prosperous economic power by 2020.

The signing ceremony that ushered in the new cooperation was graced by Hon. Princess Persis Namuganza Minister of State for Housing, the UN-FAO Country representative to Uganda H.E Antonio Querido, the team leader of the China-Uganda South to South Cooperation Phase III H.E Zhang Xiaioqiang, the BCD Governor Mr Simon Wakaze also LCV Chairman Luuka District and his deputy Mr Frank Tibagendeka also LCV Chairman Mayuge, Mr Mula Anthony Director General BCD and members of the secretariat, among others.

According to the agreement, agricultural model villages are to be established in Busoga as pilots for the VAM strategy serving as examples of sustainable development. These villages will integrate innovative approaches to agriculture, with a focus on intercropping maize and soya as well as cassava and beans to enhance and diversify agricultural production.

The cooperation also offers Ugandan students an opportunity to study diplomas, degrees, masters and PHD programs at CAU on full and partial scholarship frameworks. Other areas of cooperation include joint research and new policy formulation on agricultural development and rural transformation between Uganda and China, co-creation and organization of conferences, seminars, dialogues, training and learning tours, among others.

During her address, the Rt. Hon. Rukia Nakadama urged the people of Busoga to wholeheartedly embrace the opportunities attracted by the cooperation to position Busoga as the beacon of the China-Uganda community’s transformative story. She noted that the VAM and the PDM were interrelated, complimentary and both focused on community transformation. As a way forward, she proposed the establishment of an operationalization working committee for the VAM pilot projects including representatives from UN-FAO, South to South Cooperation Project phase III, Ministry of Agriculture and NARO under the chair of the BCD.

President SUN Qixin expressed optimism about the partnership, emphasizing the shared commitment to addressing global challenges through collaborative efforts.

Hon. Prince Namuganza Persis noted that the cooperation comes at when the government is scheduled to host the Non-Aligned Movement(NAM) which will compliment Government PDM efforts to lead household transformation. She noted that for sustainable transformation to be attained, people must have enough food for not only consumption but also income generation to cater for other important basics to life like good housing and health.

While highlighting the relationship between the ongoing community transformation efforts by FAO and the South-to-South Cooperation programs, H.E Antonio Querido congratulated Busoga on the MOU and committed his official and personal support to ensuring the successful execution of the agreement.

Mr. Mula Anthony, Director General of Busoga Consortium extended heartfelt delight at the resounding success of this pivotal collaboration embracing a future of shared achievements and impactful initiatives.

On behalf of the Local Government leaders, the Governor BCD Mr. Wakaze Simon welcomed the cooperation with great anticipation for triggering the sought for rural socioeconomic transformation of Busoga. He committed the full support of the Local Government political leadership to the successful implementation of the cooperation.

The signing ceremony concluded with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie, as both delegations shared a commitment to a future of shared progress and prosperity. The collaborative efforts between China Agricultural University, the Busoga Consortium for Development, and the local community are poised to set the stage for a transformative era of sustainable development in Busoga and beyond.


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